

Notice Small, Create BIG

For creatives (and those who long to create)

An asynchronous course designed to enliven the points of small in your creative process

Part One includes:

Six invitations for layered exploration over the span of six weeks, including: reflection prompts, playful practices, guided experiences, a playlist, an audio meditation, exercises to resee, and new processes for renewed creative connections.

Part Two includes:

Six additional invitations of layered exploration to go deeper into your creative process and stretch into new ways of listening to, and playing with, the small matters around you. Invitations include reflection prompts, playful practices, guided experiences, a playlist, an audio meditation, exercises to resee, and new processes for renewed creative connections.

I recommend exploring all six invitations in Part One before venturing into part Two, as the content is designed to weave and build.


When we feel a call to create, when we sense a surge of energy around an idea, when we know in our bones that this is something to follow, stretch into, and share…

we need nourishment, connection, a wide-open place to play—unfettered, free, and alive.

Everything is alive. Our ideas, words, and workspaces. Our tools, memories, and movements. The beliefs and feelings we hold about what, why, and how we create.

All of this is creative matter. And all of this matters for how we engage in our creative process.

Nothing is too small, too distant, or too ordinary.

What may have been previously named as obvious, irrelevant, impractical, off-topic, contradictory, or pretend, is welcome—oh, so welcome—here.

No matter where you are in your creative process—maybe in the thick tangles of a project or perhaps hearing the first whispers of something new—this course is designed to meet you where you are.

Let’s play!



When you purchase a course, you will receive an email with a link and password to a special webpage with all course materials in one place for you to access on your own time and at your own pace.

Notice small, Create BIG: Part One
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Notice small, Create BIG: Part One
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Notice small, Create BIG: Part Two
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Notice small, Create BIG: Part Two
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Be Slow

Pause. Breathe. Sink in. Be nourished within a sacred space of slowness. You are invited to experience the softness of yourself and the gentle unfoldings that emerge when you let go.

I am in the process of designing online offerings to support you (and others) to be slow and attune to energies that play within the frequency of slowness—wonder, awe, delight, beauty, love.

I’d love to hear your feedback about the kinds of offerings that most appeal to you.

I currently design customized workshops around slowness for various groups. Here’s an example workshop. Reach out if you’d like a workshop or course developed for your unique context.

Slow and Spacious Learning:

The #1 request I hear from educators, parents, and others working with children and youth: How can I slow down? How can I get children to slow down? How can everything slow down so we all have more space to be present with the wonder of learning? This workshop is an opportunity for participants to sink into slowness to explore its beautiful possibilities, as well as reflect on what arises inside ourselves that often keeps our learning contexts full of what’s fast and busy. We’ll look at learning design that stifles slowness, and then identify small, concrete ways we can design for more slowness and spaciousness for all learners (including ourselves). Slowness often feels like a far away and lofty goal, but there are clear, actionable, and simple shifts that can make a huge difference in creating more spaciousness for wondrous learning.

Resee School

Currently offered as a customized workshop series for any context with an interest. I am in the process of developing this as an online course (live sessions and asynchronous content). Please reach out if you have an interest.

When designing something new it is quite easy to end up replicating that which you are trying to change. This happens all too often with learning “innovation,” especially when the innovation tries to re-imagine a structure or system. This course is designed to support you to more deeply notice where “school” exists in your body, your thoughts, your vocabulary, your memory/dream, your instincts/habits, and even (especially) in your best intentions for the new ways of school you want to create. We’ll unpack the logic systems built into the vocabulary of schools (and learning) so you can better see and make clear (congruent) decisions about each step of what you’re creating.

Interested? Sign up to receive info specific to Resee School content when it’s available.