for community leaders
We are remembering our way home.
We are being called into new ways of community, new ways of gathering, supporting, and learning from each other, new ways of connection and belonging.
We build the bridge from where we are. Some of us are leading communities as they dissolve and crumble. Others are ushering communities through deep excavation and unlearning. Many of us are standing in the mist, an open unknown landscape, between where we are and where we’re going.
No matter where we are, curiosity is our trusted guide. I’m here to teach and guide, along with curiosity, to share processes that open us to deeper listening, connection, wonder, awe, reverence, and joy.
To invite us to remember…
together, we are whole and free.
existing communities
You may work within an existing community with latent division and agitation beneath its politely polished surface. You may seek to bring two or more groups together to find connection as community. You may wish for your community to open itself to deeper interconnection and reciprocity.
Process facilitation
Descriptions of offerings still in process. Thank you for your patience.
new communities
You may be the steward of a plot of land or an old building and hold a vision for what might grow and pollinate. You might be part of a small community already building for the new paradigm, creating new structures and ways of living together. You might be a seed with a big dream.
1:1 support