for parents
You trust in your child/ren as whole and free. You do everything you can to nourish and support their soulful wisdoms and authentic expressions.
Yet the world is full of mixed messages, and your child/ren may spend time in spaces (schools, programs, media) embedded with logics and practices that are incongruent with liberation.
What can you do to create a safe harbor for your children to know themselves as joyful, curious, whole, and free?
1:1 Support
Confidential and supportive space for you to ask questions specific to your child and receive guidance meaningful for your particular family dynamics.
We’ll work together in a loop of three 50-minute sessions framed by a central wondering or wish for your child. Together, we’ll dig deep to notice more about what might be going on, invite new curiosities to open possibilities, and identify small, actionable steps for you to try out during your daily routines and interactions with your child.
Children Whole and Free
An online course + community for parents, grandparents, mentors, educators, and caregivers who want to nourish a strong foundation for children to know themselves as whole and free.
Group Workshops
I facilitate customized workshops for parents and caregivers. Local or online. Workshops can be designed around a topic requested by your group or sessions can flow as conversational Q+A sessions.
When you reach out to request a workshop, please indicate the topic/s your group is interested in, the size of your group, where you’re located (if local), and your preferred dates/timeframe. I will follow up with further details and next steps for scheduling.
If you work with an organization that supports parents or are developing a product, program, or community to support parents and caregivers, I can help you:
find small opportunities within what feels like a limitation
notice for hidden assumptions embedded in your language and structures
deepen your attention to how participants engage, learn, and connect
attune to holistic practices and frequencies of liberation
Parent wonderings…
I feel like I’m always rushing my child, how can I support more slowness and spaciousness for my child and our family?
I want to home-school my child, but I don’t want to replicate the ways schools teach separate subjects or reduce learning to a list of skills. How can organize home-school learning differently?
My child is highly sensitive and often expresses feelings of (sad, withdrawn, angry, self-critical, anxious) in extreme ways. How can I support my child to listen to the wisdom of their feelings and process them holistically?
My child’s school uses rewards to encourage learning and behavior. How can I balance this out at home and encourage my child’s intrinsic motivation for learning and caring for its own sake?
My child wants to play games and watch shows on a tablet/screen more and more. I’m not sure what’s too much. How can I set limits without being too controlling? How can I encourage other kinds of play?
My child has started to say, “I don’t like school,” and is often reluctant to go to school. When I ask, I don’t get much information as to why. What can I do?
My first child would play for hours immersed in imagination with one set of blocks. My second child always wants me to give directions for what to do (next, and next). How can I support more independent curiosity and play when it’s not happening on its own?
How can I invite more nuance and curiosity to my child’s understanding of history and/or politics when what they hear at school is often overly-generalized and sanitized?
My child doesn’t like __ (reading, writing, math, chores, following directions). Are there ways I can make this more fun and joyful (so I don’t need to nag or push)?